
The #1 Apartment Listing Website

Apartments.com simplifies the process for renters by offering the most comprehensive apartments database online.

  • Site makes over 1 million calls per month to verify data of listings.
  • New, innovative technology called the POLYGON™ search tool that allows users to define their own search areas on a map.

Accuracy of results

Apartments.com is supported by the industry's largest professional research team, which has visited and photographed over 400,000 properties nationwide.

iOS and android apps
Ratings and reviews
Engaging media

Who is Apartments.com?

The largest inventory of available apartment listings for rent with the most advanced search tools renters want, plus 3D interactive tours, consumer reviews and neighborhood content.

Apartments.com benefits:

  • Smarter search features
  • 3D interactive tours
  • Consumer reviews
  • Search based on commuting time
  • Largest database of properties

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